"... one of the most exceptional performances celebrated on stages and in arenas around the world."

(Neue Zürcher Zeitung, November 14, 2013) 

Given free rein, he constructs surprisingly unique equilibrium sculptures, and lo and behold: Eureka! The tension - the delicate balance between fear and hope - unleashes in the brief moments of achieved equilibrium.


The remarkable success tale of SANDDORN BALANCE unfolded in 1996, as Swiss theater artisan Mädir Rigolo crafted a mesmerizing balancing act for the dance theater production SANDDORN. The performance unfolded in sand reaching knee-deep, with the sole props being dried panicles of date and coconut palms meticulously gathered by Mädir as treasures from the world's most exquisite locations.It took over a decade for international organizers to uncover the brilliance of SANDDORN BALANCE: The global triumphant odyssey began. Be it in New Zealand, the USA, Japan, or Europe - whether under the theater lights, within the charm of a variety show or beneath a tent - on Broadway, in collaboration with Cirque du Soleil, or within the hallowed halls of museums - at exclusive galas, before a multitude of thousands or an intimate gathering of a few hundred: SANDDORN BALANCE captivates audiences and media alike wherever it travels, earning the highest accolades and honors.


With his SANDDORN BALANCE performance, the artisan and entertainer achieved remarkable international acclaim. He earned numerous accolades for his awe-inspiring performance. Mädir Eugster brought to life a fusion of magic, artistry, dance, and performance, leaving each audience in sheer astonishment.

In February 2013, Mädir Eugster Rigolo received the Kamiwaza Award in Japan. This title denotes a master possessing extraordinary or superhuman abilities. Hence, the artistry of SANDDORN BALANCE has found its way to the realm of Zen: concentration, mindfulness, and conscious perception converge in the pursuit of absolute reality, materializing within the 15-minute performance.

This honor emphasized Mädir's recently formed decision to pass on his art. "For 15 years, I have been the exclusive presenter of this delicate work of art. I am now sharing my expertise and I am delighted to have found individuals in my circle who resonate with my experiences. I trust my successors: they will safeguard this treasure, nurture its growth, and infuse it with their own vitality. SANDDORN BALANCE harbors numerous secrets, and each performer has the ability to reveal them in their own distinctive way.”

Unexpectedly, Mädir Eugster departed in 2023 at the age of 67.

"Grandiose and meditative counterpoint." (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)

"The equilibrium artist radiates a celestial aura." (Tages Anzeiger)

“Rigolo takes your breath away.” (Le Nouvelliste) 

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